Spotlight: Soft Tissue Massage
Having introduced you to the benefits of deep tissue massage, we’re being careful not to neglect its treatment cousin, soft tissue massage. Don’t be fooled: where you might be tempted to write it off as an inferior, feebler technique, Gosforth Physio & Wellness has some compelling evidence to show how this treatment goes much further than just the surface level.
What’s the Rub?
For the uninitiated, the ‘softer’ side of massage probably conjures up distinct stereotypes. One might imagine the process as fairly generic and simplistic, associating it with a one-off luxury spa treatment, water lilies and perhaps some whale music. And yet, medical research demonstrates that having a remedial therapist administer a soft tissue massage ushers in an array of health benefits. How so? By carefully applying the right pressure for the optimum duration, our professionals target muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia (a type of connective tissue) to relieve your symptoms.
The Physical Benefits
One of the primary aims of the treatment is to prevent and relieve pain, whether it’s chronic or acute, whilst also improving a patient’s overall flexibility. This initial lack of flexibility can be put down to built-up muscle tension, resolved by stretching the muscle fibres. The good news goes on with soft tissue massages also being linked to better circulation, enabling more efficient removal of waste in the muscles and an influx of oxygen to affected areas.
The Psychological Effect
This humble treatment continues to surprise, even allowing patients to reap positive mental side-effects. The relaxation of the muscles has a direct impact on psychological stress levels, helping to relieve pent up tension. What’s more, as a result of this two-fold form of relaxation (being both bodily and psychological) even those of you struggling with irregular sleep patterns can see a change for the better. With more regular sleep, your body has a greater chance of recovering more rapidly. It’s a win, win situation. You see, appearances really can be deceiving. Why not experience the holistic effects of soft tissue massages at our Newcastle physiotherapy clinic? Simply contact us today on 0191 284 9111 to book your appointment.