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Headaches Treatment Newcastle

Headache or migraine preventing you from enjoying life to the full? Relax - we treat headaches everyday.

Headaches and migraine pain can be debilitating leading to time off work; preventing holidays or severely limit your ability to perform sports, engage in hobbies and enjoy life with family and friends.

Do you want to be pain free fast?

Good news

Our expert Physiotherapists at Gosforth Physio and Wellness are highly skilled and specialise in diagnosis, treatment, education and prevention of headaches and migraine pain.


We use our head before we use our hands!

Expert - Hands on treatment, acupuncture, dry needling and massage can help settle headaches and migraine pain fast.

We do not keep you coming back week after week, month after month for unnecessary reatments (see our 'Better by 5'). We focus on the root cause fast and treat your pain quickly so you can move on with your life as fast as possible.

You can be sure that you’re placing your health in the right hands. Once a detailed assessment is completed and we have established your diagnosis all appropriate treatment options will be discussed with you and treatment given in the session.

Early diagnosis and treatment is essential to aid speedy recovery from headaches and migraine pain and help prevent its recurrence.

Headache and Migraine causes

Tension type headaches are very common and will affect over 80% of people at some stage of their lives.

There are over 300 types of headache but most fall into three categories:

  • Migraine
  • Tension Type Headache
  • Cervicogenic Headache (neck headache)

Head pain can have many causes, not just migraine.

Some uncommon causes of your head pain may be sinister, and might include brain tumours, aneurysms, meningitis and other systemic illnesses. These are rare and would require a thorough investigation.

Therefore accurate diagnosis is essential to help guide the appropriate treatment of headache conditions. Correctly identifying the cause will lead to better treatment.


Are a chronic neurological disorder characterised by episodic attacks of head pain and associated symptoms.

Migraine pain will always present on one side only (although the side can change between attacks). The pain is often described as throbbing and is of moderate to severe intensity. The pain will cause avoidance of normal activities such as attending school or going to work.

Sufferers will usually have one or more of nausea, photophobia (hypersensitivity to light), and photophobia (hypersensitivity to noise).

Migraine headaches can last between 4 hours and – in extreme cases – for up to three days.

Tension Headache

Is the most common type of primary headache. The forehead, upper neck and temple regions may experience a tight band sensation causing varying severity of pain for the sufferer.

Stress and tension are major causes of this type of headache; poor postures and tight or weak muscles are usually a contributing factor.

As the symptoms are not as severe as migraine, tension headache is only considered a problem if it becomes frequent or chronic.

We do not keep you coming back week after week, month after month for unnecessary treatments (see our 'Better by 5').
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Cervicogenic Headaches

Originate from the neck typically as a result of dysfunction of the joints located at the upper aspect of the neck. This may be due to sudden neck movements (e.g. whiplash), a trauma during sports or heavy lifting at work or in the garden.

A constant, dull ache may be present in the back of the head, top of the forehead, behind the eye, in the temple region or less commonly, around the jaw or ear. The headache can usually be associated with neck pain, stiffness and difficulty turning the neck. Symptoms may also increase on firmly touching the affected level of the spine, usually on one side of the neck, just below the base of the skull. Occasionally other symptoms may be present such as pins and needles, numbness, dizziness, nausea or light headedness.

There are several factors which can predispose patients to developing cervicogenic headache. These need to be assessed and corrected to alleviate and eliminate the pain.

These include:

  • Poor posture
  • Neck and upper back stiffness
  • Muscle imbalances
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle tightness
  • Previous neck trauma (e.g. whiplash)
  • Inappropriate desk setup
  • Inappropriate pillow or sleeping postures
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Stress
  • Dehydration

Treatments include:

  • Manual Therapy
  • Mobilisation
  • Manipulation
  • Acupuncture
  • Dry needling
  • Massage
  • Taping
  • Soft Tissue Release
  • Trigger Point Muscle Release
  • Muscle Energy Techniques
  • Postural Education / Advice
  • Postural Strengthening

You will be taught specific strengthening, stretching and Pilates exercises to perform at home to enhance and speed up your recovery, allowing you to effectively self manage your problem.

It is very rare that an MRI scan or X Ray is required. However, if your Physiotherapist or you feel that further investigation is necessary we can arrange private scans quickly. Referrals can be arranged in 2-5 days at The Newcastle Clinic and at North Tyneside MRI Centre.

We NEVER give up on understanding and SOLVING your problem.

Do you want to be pain free, fitter, stronger and perform to your maximum?
Let's get started by taking action today.
See a Specialist
Book in with our expert Physiotherapists to start getting to the root cause of your problem.
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Call us on 0191 284 9111 or send us a message about booking, appointments or any questions you may have.
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  • Physio-led Pilates.
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Better by 5

Over 90% of our patients get ‘Better by 5’ sessions.

If you need any of our physiotherapy, sports injury, sports massage or acupuncture services, you should see and feel a real difference by the end of your fifth session.

If, on the other hand, there is no improvement in your clinical condition or in the way you feel – we STOP after the fifth session. At that point, we reassess the reasons why there has been no apparent improvement and, if necessary, we can organise scans and letters to GP's and Consultants. You can be sure that we will never continue treating you unless there is a positive benefit – and only when you (and we) agree on your treatment plan.

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