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New Decade, New Year, New You with Physiotherapy

The winter blues can quickly catch up with us after the Christmas festivities are over and we start to look on towards the rest of the year. Particularly if you experience chronic pain or discomfort - the simple joys others look forward to can begin to feel like a chore.

However, there is a solution. Make 2020 the year you take time for yourself and your health, ensuring you’re able to look forward to the rest of the year and this new decade, with physiotherapy!


Sometimes, the biggest barrier to feeling better is simply that you haven’t taken the time out to relax. At Gosforth Physio and Wellness, we offer a range of treatments from massage to acupuncture that promotes relaxation and a reduction in stress and anxiety. We offer different types of massage in Newcastle including sports massage and deep tissue massage.


If you’re experiencing a different kind of pain as a result of injury, issues with posture, repetitive strain, or occupationally, then you might need a more focused solution. We offer physiotherapy in Newcastle for various levels of pain and injury. Including a wide range of treatments and therapies that will be carefully chosen to suit your needs by one of our experienced physiotherapists.


Once you’re feeling better, its key to do some routine exercise to maintain your new state of being. We offer various Pilates classes in Newcastle, for all levels of experience, that will ensure you strengthen and maintain your newly healing body. We may also recommend Pilates as part of pain rehabilitation, as building strength in this low-risk, controlled environment will help you resist daily wear and tear.

If you’d like to find out more about our services for physiotherapy in Newcastle or about any of our other treatments, please visit our website or call us on 0191 284 9111 to book your free 15-minute phone consultation.

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